How can a Kumon parent support their child's learning?

Finishing the assigned worksheets at home throughout the week is integral to a student's success in the Kumon programmes. It is important that parents encourage their child to stay on track and pursue their goals, both outside of school and the Kumon centre. By demonstrating long-term commitment to their learning, your child will see the importance of their study and will reap the rewards of their efforts.
Here are some ways a Kumon parent can support their child's learning:
Provide a motivating learning environment
It's important for a child to be provided with a regular time and place to study. A quiet and motivating environment with minimal disruptions will be conducive to effective studying.
Mark work each day
We encourage you to mark each day's work as soon as possible to enable your child to make any corrections straight away while the material is still fresh in their minds. This helps them to learn and understand if they are approaching the work in the right direction and how they can better answer the questions. Kumon parents are provided with answer books to support them in marking their child's work, or work can be submitted digitally to Kumon’s marking team if you study on a tablet using KUMON CONNECT.
Encourage them to work independently
As Kumon is a self-learning programme, there isn't a need to teach anything at home. The student should be able to complete their daily homework independently as each worksheet builds on skills they will have developed on the previous level. A child may well ask for help, but parents should ensure that, as far as possible, the child completes the work by themselves.
Give praise and encouragement
A lot of the student's motivation will come from the success they experience as they become an independent learner. Acknowledgement of their continued effort and support from parents will go a long way to keeping them on track.
Maintain good communication with the Instructor
Kumon students succeed through their own efforts, but that success is made possible by a partnership between the student, their Instructor and their parents - the Kumon triangle. Maintaining good communication with the Instructor is vital to ensure a child is maximising their potential.