What services do libraries offer?

Public libraries house thousands of books, from romance to recipes, sci-fi to sewing tips, and crime to comedies. If you are doing research for an assignment, or simply want to read something new, your local library is a treasure trove waiting to be explored. The library staff will also be knowledgeable about where books are located and may be able to offer recommendations. Some libraries also refer to the Kumon Recommended Reading List when making suggestions about what books to read!
However, libraries aren't just places for paper books. Many libraries offer an abundance of additional services which you can enjoy, often free of charge or for a nominal fee.
Audiobooks, E-books, large print and braille materials
In addition to print books, your local library is likely to stock a range of audio and e-books for a different reading experience. It is also likely to offer large print or braille materials. Ask a library assistant to support you in locating these. If your library doesn't stock what you are looking for, they may be involved in an inter-library loan scheme where they can order it in for you.
Internet access
Many libraries provide computers with internet access, enabling you to browse the web in a peaceful environment. If you have a portable devise you may also be able to access their WiFi.
Community clubs
Public libraries also often run clubs for parents, babies/toddlers and after-school activities for children. These include reading clubs and parent support groups and are a great way to meet people in your community. Keep an eye out for summer reading competitions, local author book signings and additional community events which you and your family can enjoy.
Function rooms
Lots of libraries will have extra rooms that you can rent out. This could be for a club or a meeting - some libraries even use these rooms for Kumon centres!
So, as you can see, your local library may offer a whole lot more than you thought - pop in soon with your family and see what treasures you can discover, and check out a new book too!