Set your child up for success with Kumon this summer

Is a total break from studying over the summer really helpful?
Hopefully, for many children, the school summer holiday means trips to the park, endless games and plenty of time spent with friends. But could this total switch-off from daily study actually be making it harder for children in the long term?
Existing Kumon students are encouraged to practice a little every day so that the return to school isn’t such a leap for them and, if you've ended this past school term a little worried about your child’s academic progress, this could be the ideal time to look into getting your child some some additional support.
Summer: the perfect time to catch up or get ahead
Kumon worksheets aim to help students reach their maximum potential, build their confidence and encourage independence. Regular Kumon study during the summer will provide your child with a solid learning foundation and introduce them to new skills they will need for the upcoming term; skills they may not have fully developed or practised during the busy academic school year. It is an opportunity for your child to build their confidence before the new term begins and retain the information they learned the previous year, making the transition back to school much easier on them, and on you. Adding a little daily Kumon to their schedule will keep their brains active during the summer and will set your child up for success as the school year approaches.
What do studies say?
Various studies have concluded that children lose essential skills in English and maths computation during their summer holidays. This phenomenon has been referred to as “summer learning loss” or “summer slide” by education researchers. They suggest that studying over the summer prevents the effects of summer learning loss and improves overall academic performance. A study published in Frontiers in Public Health (2017) found that children between the ages of five to ten in primary schools across England and Scotland lose skills in spelling after returning to school in September.
The study also reported that it takes almost two months of in-school teaching for children to reach the academic level they were at prior to the summer holiday. Encouraging your children to complete their Kumon worksheets over the summer could avoid months of catching up. Instead, your child can relax knowing that they are not only ahead of the rest of their class but are also prepared for their next academic steps.
Visit a Kumon centre
During the summer, Kumon study centres are often quieter and are a great environment for your child to concentrate and refresh their memory of what they’ve previously learned. It's also a chance to meet a Kumon Instructor, who is there to provide effective support to ensure that each student is working at a level that is “just right” for them.
Finding a balance
At Kumon, we understand the importance of striking a balance between keeping both the mind and body active. That’s why we believe summer holidays should be a combination of exciting activities, hours of fun and completing a little Kumon study every day. KUMON CONNECT means that worksheets can easily be completed wherever you are this summer. Whether you’ve planned a trip away from home this summer or will be hanging out locally, don’t let the “summer slide” catch up with you and let's make this a productive summer filled with fun, sun and daily study!