Kumon, supporting families while we're staying at home

While we've had to stay at home, our Kumon centres have found new ways to support even more children so they can start to study with Kumon even when we cannot meet face-to-face. Since schools have been partially closed, we’re pleased to have spoken with lots more families looking for an educational programme for their children that they could do at home. We chatted to Sreepriya, a mum from Cardiff, who enquired with and went onto enrol her six-year-old son, Devesh, at the Kumon Cardiff, Grangetown Study Centre.
Hi Sreepriya!
Firstly, can we ask you what initially prompted you to contact and join Kumon?
"I was already aware of the local Kumon centre and I’ve considered looking into it before. Because Devesh is just six years old, I wasn't sure when was the right time for him. Once he started at school, I wanted him to focus on settling into that, but we also knew we wanted him to have some additional support. Because there is no school structure and we're home learning, I really felt it was the right time to get the foundations right for him and to continue to build upon what he's learned at school so far."
Do you know anyone locally who’s already studying with Kumon?
"My friend's daughter does Kumon, so I did already have Kumon in mind for my son."
What was it about Kumon that made now the right time to start your son?
"Because we're at home, I have a little more time to support his education and we don't have the time pressure of the usual school routine and social life. I was pleased that Kumon is still able to start new students right now. I like that there is a proper structure of a little bit of study to do every day."
How did he react to the enrolment and initial assessment meeting?
"When we contacted Anouska at the centre, she explained how she would post out the assessment papers to us and arranged a time for us to meet on a video call. We did his tests online over WhatsApp video and he listened to her and followed her instructions. I was actually quite impressed to see him do this. He really enjoyed it."
How are you finding studying at home?
"The classes over a video call are a different way of communicating for him and he finds it fascinating. He is keen to do his daily work session and because of the Instructor contact, he is motivated to do his best and he remembers what she said to him about writing his letters clearly.
I think he is focusing well, and I like that he’s looking forward to the contact of his online group class. I've seen an improvement in him already. I liked how Anouska spoke to him and held his attention. To be completely honest, just recently I have also tried an online tutor, working one-to-one with him. We just tried it once, but the work didn't seem to gel so well with him or capture his attention. I like the way that the Kumon Instructor really pays attention to how he’s writing, holding the pencil and correct way of forming letters on the worksheets. At school, I know that they have to hurry the children up to get through the work. It is almost like they teach them something and then move on to something new too quickly. With Kumon, the Instructor explained that he's going to be repeating things until he has mastered them, before moving on. I strongly believe that you need to practice before you can feel confident and be your best on some areas before you progress and get ahead of yourself."
Will you be able to attend the centre once restrictions are lifted?
"I would like to come to the centre. I think it will be interesting for my son to work with an Instructor there too. I don't mind working online at all, in fact, Devesh is really enjoying it. It is quite different and interesting for him to have regular contact with an educational professional at this time."
What are your aims for the longer term?
"I'm looking to build good foundations for him and to invite him to open his mind. I want him to feel very confident and gradually to learn for himself, and eventually prepare and excel in his GCSEs".
Thanks for chatting to us, and welcome to Kumon!