15-year-old Bea soars to new heights as a Kumon English Completer

Bea began her Kumon journey five years ago at the Kumon Banbury Study Centre. Now, at 15 years old, she has completed the entire Kumon English Programme! This is a fantastic accomplishment for any student and her Kumon Instructor and centre join her parents in rightly celebrating her achievement.
We asked Bea what her ability was like when she first joined Kumon’s maths and English programmes,
“I was Year 5 in primary school when I started Kumon and I definitely was not very confident in my maths skills! Kumon has definitely improved my maths and English and has helped me feel more confident, especially going into secondary school and having to learn harder content.”
Bea learned valuable skills to deal with these fresh challenges through her Kumon study, so she has gained far more than just academic benefits. Through regular study, Bea was able to increase her abilities and fluency, which in turn helped her improve her confidence and self-learning skills, important values that the Kumon programme emphasises.
When faced with the fresh challenges of moving up to secondary school, Bea was well prepared thanks to her Kumon study that has given her thorough grounding in topics usually covered at GCSE and A-Level at school. As well as enhancing her own reading for pleasure, the Kumon English Programme has helped Bea to improve her understanding of plot, atmosphere and irony. As a Completer, she’s had to show mastery of advanced work such as critiquing texts and her understanding of language complexity covering figurative language like metaphors, similes and symbols.
“Studying Kumon helped me improve my confidence in school and also helped me get ahead and learn about topics my teachers haven’t shown us yet. I have been given several Kumon awards in the past and it has made me feel very accomplished, and I have enjoyed working towards them - a goal is a nice thing to have!”
“My favourite thing about Kumon is the learning experience and the feeling of satisfaction when I got something right. I also like the atmosphere in the classroom, where it is quiet and the Instructors are there to help you. I think the most difficult aspect of Kumon was learning new, hard topics, but with practice and help, I overcame the struggle and got there in the end.”
Bea’s father Gilyn knew about Kumon from family members in the Philippines and was very happy with how well supported his daughter was by her Kumon Instructor,
“I had heard lots of good feedback about the good effects that Kumon has on a child’s learning habits, and it helped Bea a lot – building discipline in her study and increasing her confidence. This good foundation will help my daughter to be stronger in the future.”
With the English programme complete, Bea has shown she can do great things and already knows how she intends to use the skills and knowledge she has gained in her future,
“When I am older, I want to be a physiotherapist or something in the medical field and I think Kumon is a good base for me to build on to help me achieve that goal.”
Bea found confidence and learned new ways to approach problems through studying with Kumon. Now she can take what she has learned and continue on to even brighter things!