Shweta Mall

Shweta Mall Northampton South View centre
Aged 12 and above

Daksh aims to achieve his goals through Kumon study

Shweta Mall

Shweta Mall Northampton South View centre

8 December 2023

Daksh at the Kumon Northampton South Study Centre has achieved something incredible – he has finished the entire Kumon English Programme at only 13 years old! Completing the programme means Daksh is able to demonstrate high level skills in reading and writing critically, covering character and plot analysis and the ability to summarise passages of text – all useful skills that will benefit his future studies in English and other subjects at school and university.

“I feel ecstatic and delighted to have completed the English programme. I am immensely proud of my achievement and my friends and family are also very impressed by my efforts and overjoyed at how I was able to complete the programme at a young age.

“When I first started the Kumon English Programme, I found it very challenging and the worksheets strenuous to complete. I’ve always been a very determined person though, so I kept practicing and learning from the worksheets, gradually improving until I was able to complete the programme.”

The Kumon Method uses worksheets with contextual cues that build on a student’s existing knowledge, enabling them to self-learn how to solve problems and answer questions. This method ensures that students are not just repeating what they have been shown before, but that they have their own understanding of the material. In his time with Kumon, Daksh has covered sentence and paragraph building through to developing an understanding of figurative language such as metaphors, similes and symbols. Kumon hasn’t just taught Daksh how to read, but how to read critically and to fully appreciate the depth of a passage.

“Kumon has developed my English skills to a high level and has taken me through from the basics of correctly holding a pencil up to analysis of literary texts like Macbeth. Kumon has also helped me to build my reading comprehension and critical analysis skills, and I can now read more fluently and with greater confidence. The skills I learned from Kumon have been a great help in school and I will always be grateful for what I have learned there.

“My favourite part about studying the Kumon English Programme was the opportunity to study the different genres and authors that the sample texts were taken from. Each extract showcased different writing styles and techniques, and looking at these helped me to grasp the different ways that language can be used. Reading has always been one of my greatest passions and the Kumon English Programme exposed me to a wide selection of books. Studying with Kumon has equipped me to better appreciate England’s literary heritage.

“Kumon has helped with my schoolwork because I am able to interpret language and read at a higher level compared to my peers. Kumon has also given me the confidence to contribute my ideas more often in classroom discussions in school.”

Daksh’s mother, Nevadita, was not familiar with Kumon before enrolling her son but is very happy with what he has achieved through the Kumon English Programme.

“I wanted Daksh to improve his basic and advanced skills in English. I have seen a lot of change in Daksh since he started, he has gained more self-motivation and is now a capable self-learner. I always recommend Kumon to other parents as I have seen the benefits firsthand.”

Berta Rapoz, the Instructor at the Kumon Northampton South Study Centre, was instrumental in Daksh’s success, and Daksh now has a clear idea of his goals in the future.

“My Instructor Berta and her team have supported me during my Kumon journey, giving me clear pointers and helping me to answer difficult questions that I struggled with. They helped me to learn how to think outside the box through the Kumon Method, where you figure out the answers to questions yourself. You learn how to answer questions instead of being taught the answers.

“Now I have finished the English programme, my next goal is to complete the maths programme. My eventual goal is to become an engineer and create things as I am a creative person. The skills I have learned through Kumon will be a significant help to me as I pursue these goals and begin preparation for my GCSEs.”

Daksh has done an excellent job completing the Kumon English Programme at such a young age and we’re sure he’ll soon reach the end of the maths programme as well! With clear goals and the knowledge and skills gained from Kumon study, Daksh has a bright future ahead of him.