From early learner to maths mastery, Nived takes ownership of his learning

Nived’s mother, Aiswarya always knew that she wanted to provide her child with a great foundation in their education at a young age and noticed the Kumon Ipswich Central Study Centre on her way to work one day. After enquiring with her friends whose children were already studying the Kumon Maths Programme, she then contacted Instructor, Sangeeta to find out more and was delighted to find that the centre welcomed small children, some even younger than three!
Nived joined the centre at the age of three and a half and started the special early learner levels that helped develop his control of a pencil and his mark-making. To begin with, Nived learned how to develop the correct pencil grip, how to draw and join lines, and how to say and trace numbers. Like all students, the Kumon Maths Programme was introduced and progressed at a pace that was individual to him and ensured he was challenged but comfortable with the progression. As he became older, and through studying consistently every day, Nived practised his skills and learned to take complete ownership of his learning, both in maths and, as he grew older, across all his schoolwork.
Now, at the age of 10, Nived has made considerable progress over the years and is currently studying four operations as well as algebraic expressions and equations. He told us,
“Kumon has helped me enormously. I’ve developed the ability to answer questions confidently and quickly with great ease and understand the different learning methods used to answer questions in certain topics and apply those methods to my school studies. At school, I’m always first to complete my maths work and my teacher often gives me additional work to do during class. I often find that certain topics studied in Kumon appear in my school studies a few months later, giving me a head-start and good subject knowledge. Additionally, in exams, Kumon has helped me to prepare and answer questions quickly in timed conditions.”
Nived’s mother, Aiswarya, reflects on her son’s progression and achievements with Kumon, telling us,
“As he joined at such a young age, Nived has grown up with daily Kumon study and he cannot remember life without Kumon. Over time, I have seen first-hand Nived’s maths ability and study skills improve considerably. I firmly believe that Kumon really helped him ace his maths, especially in school! He is one of the top performing students in his class when it comes to maths. He was recently rewarded with a ‘Grandmaster certificate’ in the school’s ‘numeracy programme’ in his class. He has a knack of remembering and connecting dates and events which I believe is an ancillary benefit from Kumon.
Kumon has certainly instilled the importance of hard work and practice in him. I’m very proud of Nived’s achievements to date; as parents we hope that the discipline and practice, he has gained from Kumon study will help him when sitting his SATs and 11+ exams and beyond.”
At Kumon, Instructors instil confidence by encouraging their students to have a go and to endeavour to work out answers by themselves using the examples and their learning from previous questions. The learning from doing it for oneself is powerful and increases the self-belief of the child.
Over the years, Nived has developed a great relationship with his Instructor, Sangeeta. He says,
“My Instructor Sangeeta is very patient, calm and a skilful mathematician. She is always there for guidance when needed, and she knows possibly all the skills a great mathematician would need. Sangeeta has supported me throughout my Kumon journey to date and I’d like to thank her for always being there."
Equally, Nived’s mother, Aiswarya is very happy with their Kumon Instructor Sangeeta. She told us,
“Sangeeta has been very supportive throughout the years. She explains everything so patiently to the students. She also gives regular feedback about Nived’s progress and is always there whenever we may need her. Although last year brought challenging circumstances for many, Sangeeta remained available and ensured all her students were given equal attention through online study classes.”
Equipped with a love of maths, strong academic skills and self-confidence, Nived looks forward to his future studies and career aspirations,
“The skills that I have mastered at Kumon will stay with me and act as building blocks for future challenges I hope to take on. I look forward to continuing to learn new things as I tackle the remaining levels of the programme.
I’d like to become a maths teacher in the future and I’m sure Kumon will continue to develop my skill-set to help me become a great teacher. I’m sure the Kumon study programmes will continue to help many other children improve their maths and English abilities and shape their future.”
Well done, Nived! We wish you all the best in your studies as you strive to complete the Kumon Maths Programme!